Our high-quality microfiber cutting polishing pads offer great performance - they have a high removal rate and at the same time produce a good, relatively good level of shine.
Area of application: Grinding polishing, removing scratches, removing sanded spots (max. P1500)
Features: Microfiber polishing pad ✓ Thermal foam based ✓ Strong cut ✓ Center hole ✓
Coordinated polish: Max Cut polish
Processing: Only recommended for eccentric machines and eccentrics with forced rotation! ✓
Diameter: Velor/Velcro side = Ø 150 mm | Ø 125 mm | Ø 75mm
Shape: trapezoidal | Professional shape for precise handling
These pads have been specially developed for you to offer an outstanding combination of intensive removal and a relatively good shine - an essential addition to your polishing work. The microfiber pads run very smoothly on the polishing machine, which makes working very pleasant.
For optimal results, we recommend using our pads in combination with the Max Cut polish. This coordination allows you to effectively remove even stubborn surface defects and at the same time achieve a good gloss finish, making subsequent finish usually child's play.
To achieve the best possible results, our polishing pads are only recommended for use with eccentric machines and forced rotation eccentrics. This specific orientation guarantees harmonious and effective workmanship, just right for your professional car care needs.
Shape: trapezoidal | Professional shape for precise handling
Ø 165 mm | Ø 130 mm | Ø 80 mm / height = 17 mm | 22mm | 25mm
Velours/ Klettseitig = Ø 150 mm | Ø 125 mm | Ø 75 mm
Regular and careful care of your polishing pad ensures consistently high performance and a long service life.
Care should be taken when handling polishing pads and machines to avoid injury and damage. Please note the following safety instructions:
Important: If used incorrectly, the paint can be damaged. If in doubt, the work should be sent to a professional to avoid damage and achieve the best possible result.
Geiles Pad aber mit Vorsicht zu genießen weil da nimmt man schon bissi was weg vom Lack… Schnell und gutes Ergebnis mit diesen Pad… wow wow wow … danach ein oder zwei Finish Gänge und top Ergebnis vom Lack Zustand ! Qualität super 👍🏼 gerne wieder …
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